Power Shovel Games Review
Power Shovel Games Review - When you read the title above, most of you are probably wondering, "what is this game?". However, for those of you who never played in the heyday of the Playstation first, would smile broke away. You definitely will directly explore the memory in the brain that might almost forget this game. Power Shovel it is one game that managed to bring maximum fun experience, especially if played with multiplayer with friends. A game with a simple concept but the execution is almost perfect.
I myself had even forgotten how the story until I could find this one game. The first impression presented by this game is quite interesting. Play it like he was playing first-Bishi Bashi Special in a much different version, at least presented almost similar experience. Visualization is presented is more rigid than the other competitors, but this does not reduce its ability to present with a captivating gameplay. Laughter becomes a sure thing when you play this game.
Power Shovel was released in 2001 ago to the first generation Playstation console. The company behind the creative is Taito working with heavy vehicle company, Komatsu. Popularity of this game is certainly not as grand as other games such as Taito Raystorm, for example. In fact, there has never been clear whether the gaming data is successfully achieving the desired level of sales by the publisher. However, a nostalgic memory does not correlate at all with all these technical things. What's fun, it is recorded in the brain, and try to dig again presents its own uniqueness.
For games like this, the plot certainly does not play an important role. However, you certainly should have knowledge of the background that forces you to play a certain role. Power Shovel at this, you are a part-timer who was asked to control the excavator and perform certain missions. In every successful mission, you'll be given some money by his superiors. The large amount of money is determined from the speed of completing the mission and how you run it smoothly.
The mission provided a wide range of course, than just pick up and move the sand up shop using the excavator. The money earned will accumulate until you successfully complete all the missions or stop in the middle of the game because the game over. So, for what that money? You certainly can shop at the store for some items such as additional missions, bgm sound, until the model used vehicles.
Solo mission not provide a meaningful challenge. If you've mastered the four simple buttons for lifting, lowering, and lengthen the excavator arm as well as understand how to "hold" is true, then all the missions would pass easily. Challenges and maximum gaming experience is actually obtained when playing against a friend versus the other. You will feel your adrenaline racing with racing. That's for sure!
What I like about the Power Shovel?
Cries Tops
One element that makes this game seem so memorable is the sound of yelling at your boss in this game. The characters are represented by the visualization of a short man with a helmet of this project does not play an important role, but somehow it made an impression on the brain. Scream before starting the mission, or when you fail or succeed to run a particular mission will create a memory you will Power Shovel comes out of nowhere.
Excavators with Analog Controls
Power Shovel Ability to support features dual shock analog controller of Sony was able to bring the game experience much more enjoyable. With the left analog is used to move and right analog that serves as the arm eksavator, Power Shovel as you take control of excavators in the real world. Although much more difficult than using a button action only, it could not hurt to present little challenge to this game.
Various Exciting Mission
Power Shovel is presenting a variety of missions that force you to control the skills eksavator the maximum limit. You will be faced with three variants that appeared in a variety of mission scenarios: to destroy something, pick up and move goods, and move the excavator over a particular hurdle. Additional unique missions such as kicking the ball well you can get through the features of existing stores. Unfortunately, along with the frequency you play this game, the challenges presented was diminishing.
The essence of all games with genres like this of course is the Multiplayer! Power Shovel play and compete with your friends will bring excitement and adrenaline rush is much better than the play itself. Shouts and laughter can certainly be present in the room where the game is played. Just imagine, all this can occur only from an excavator game that does not even have a clear storyline.
There is no getting around the fact that video games are not the childish time-wasters that so many people once thought they were. They have now been demonstrated to be effective ways to both maintain essential mental skills that tend to deteriorate over time and to even improve upon existing skills. In fact, these positive benefits can be enjoyed by people both young and old. Online brain challenges can play an important part in that process.